You open your eyes and you realize that the years are going by, that your hair begins to turn silver, that time does not forgive, that that slender body has been lost, that wrinkles appear on your forehead, that your face no longer has that incandescent glow.
That you no longer care what will happen tomorrow because you learned to enjoy today.
So waking up every day is spectacular; that a smile has more value than a branded bag hanging from your shoulder. Who is by your side is because they know how valuable you are and accept you with your crazy outbursts. That it is not worth getting angry over nonsense and that the person who really loves you will even enjoy your mood swings. That you have lived what you wanted, that many times you went against the established, that you have fallen and got up, that the HITS hurts and you had to rub yourself alone. That they have seen you fall and many of those that your friends say do not give you their hand to get up. That someone in your family sometimes turns his back on you, but that your blood is your blood and it will always be by your side, whether for better or for worse. That it is time to release grudges and sadness, that you cannot go through life carrying stones. That pain is sometimes necessary but suffering is optional.
That you have to clean up your life and what does not serve you you have to discard, that bad memories weigh and that it is absurd to have them with you. That this trip is unique and that you cannot waste time without realizing it, because time is no longer on your side. That you have to love to the core and bet on it, the love lasts while the passion lasts, because nothing is forever. Do not wait for the promises they made you to be fulfilled and do not regret making decisions. That the rules were made to be broken, that you are not afraid to live intensely and that often the forbidden is the most desired. Do not invent stories full of failures rather climb to the highest peak and raise your arms. Scream when you want to scream, cry when you want to cry and laugh out loud. And he continues smiling with love and affection to the surface, that theskin wrinkles but the soul, the soul is still young ...
Simply Mar